Your Marketing Is F*cked Up

Here’s why…

You heard that right.

Your, marketing, is, absolutely, f*cked, up.

You may think it’s good and nothing’s wrong with it, but sadly, that’s not the truth.

Now, marketing is important.

In fact, it is very, very important. Because without marketing, nobody will know who you are.

And if nobody knows who you are, you won’t get any sales.

So if you want more sales, you NEED marketing.

Now almost everyone is doing some kind of marketing – whether it’s locally, digitally, directly, whatever.

But now, everyone is slowly starting to realize marketing is actually super important.

That means, everyone is investing more into their marketing than they have ever before and the competition is getting harder and harder to beat.

In addition, more and more businesses are starting to run ads, test funnels, write emails, do events, organize webinars, and much more.

So if you want to beat your competitors, you’ll have to stand out.

So how can you stand out despite the massive competition?

You need to do something nobody is doing.

This sounds pretty obvious, but it isn’t as simple as it sounds.

Everyone is already doing something and it’s very hard to be original nowadays.

And because I don’t know in what niche you are in, I am just going to give you a few examples from others about what they did to stand out.

Simon Squibb:

There was once a staircase for sale in London.

That was the very first time a staircase was for sale in London, EVER.

Simon Scquibb, a man with more than 30 years of experience about business, had bought the staircase after 2 days it was for sale.

He was all around the news and in almost every single newspaper for multiple weeks.

This staircase was his brand identity now and it represented that his brand worked step-by-step.

This worked brilliantly.

He had I believe 5x the customers because he massively stood out and was all around the news.

Another example is Domino:

They did research about their target audience and they noticed their target audience’s (people that are hungry for pizza) problem was that the pizza delivery took super long.

So they made an offer which went something like this:

“Your pizza is delivered in 30 minutes or else it’s free”

Suddenly, hundreds of people were calling and ordering pizzas like crazy.

They made an unfathomable amount of money.

So, I think you get what I mean by ‘standing out’ now.

Now, if you aren’t exactly sure what to do, how to do it, and how to monetize it,

We can help you.

We’ve already helped many businesses in the past and now it’s your turn.

Contact us today and we’ll give you a free marketing analysis and tell you everything you’re doing wrong and what you can do to fix it.

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