FAQ Section

How much will your help cost?

Everything you need to know about our pricing guidelines is here:

How much am I involved in the marketing?

Almost not at all.

All you will have to do is send us the details about your current marketing, your goals, and more either on a call or via email and tell the marketer if you’d change anything when he shows you what he has designed, edited, or created.

When will I start to see results?

Our clients normally saw results within the first weeks but we can not guarantee that will be the same for you.

We can only tell you that you will see results – but it may take a few weeks or even months to get them.

What is your process?

Everything you need to know about our process is here:

What services do you provide in total?

We provide all kinds of marketing. So digital marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, gurilla marketing, brand marketing, and many more, but the main ones are listed here: https://jg-marketer.com/#services

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