Your Business Will DIE in 5 Years

If You Don’t Do This Now…

Yes, this sounds dramatic, but it is very, very true.

There is something that if not implemented in your business within 5 years, will absolutely murder your business.

So if you do NOT want your business die a lengthy and expensive death, take a look at this…

Statics For Your Business Will Die In 5 Years

These statics show the usage of digital media versus traditional media.

In 2011, only 214 minutes were spent on digital media, and 453 minutes on traditional media.

In 2023, the 214 minutes of digital media went up to 500 minutes, and the 453 went down to 285 minutes.

That means that the average person is spending double the time on digital media than they were spending in 2011.

This is massive.

But before we get into what you should do RIGHT NOW to prevent your business from dying a lonely and lengthy death, we must first ask ourselves…

What Even Is Digital And Traditional Media?

Digital media is any form of media that uses electronic devices for distribution.

Digital media includes social media, blog posts like this one, videos, articles online, websites, in short: everything online.

Traditional media is everything before the internet even existed.

Traditional media includes magazines, newspapers, TVs, radios, billboards, printed stuff in general, just everything—but just offline.

All of that summaried would be this:

Digital media is everything online, and traditional media is everything offline.

But there’s one more thing you should know before we start thinking about the solutions to save your business from dying…

Why Should I Care What Happens Do Digital And Traditional Media?


Your marketing can only be distributed through digital and traditional media.

And—because you’re smart and you already know this—marketing is very, very important.

In fact, it is one of the most crucial part of a business.

Because without marketing, your business literally can’t function! (More about that in this blog post)

So if your marketing can only be distributed through digital and traditional media, and there’s a massive shift of usage across digital and traditional media recources, you should care about those two things.

Because those two things will be the deciding factor whether or not someone will be able to see your marketing or not.

For example, if you’re doing marketing through traditional media, but nobody is using traditional media anymore, nobody will be able to see your face anywhere on traditional media!

The crazy part?

The example I just gave you is about to turn into reality!

So now we can discuss…

How To Prevent Your Business From Suffering A Painful And Devastating Death

Now that we know what both digital and traditional media is and how it can effect your business, we’ll now talk about how you can save your business’ life and live happily ever after.

The usage of traditional media is dropping, as we just discussed.

If you market your brand through traditional media, but nobody uses traditional media, nobody will see your face.

Which means, nobody will know you and you’ll never earn a dime.

The usage of traditional media is in fact slowly declining and soon will be at precisely zero.

So it would make sense to now—if you haven’t before—stop doing traditional media.

And what you want to do instead is start doing more of digital media.

This way, you’ll not waste your precious hours in traditional media, but you’re doing digital media, where soon—everyone will be using digital media.


If You Don’t Know How To Use Digital Media—Contact Us!

We’re currently giving everyone who fills out our contact form a free marketing analysis and a plan for what they can do to improve their marketing and get more leads, more clients, and more money in the bank.

So, if you want a step-by-step blueprint to growing your business massively, click the button down below and fill out the form.

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